Loathing the way this is presented, close to misinformation

Story: New year brings bad news for Linux as 2021 saw up to 10 times more malware samplesTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Jan 19, 2022
5:56 PM EDT
Do you run Windows 3.1? Do you run unpatched Windows 3.1? Do you run unpatched Windows 3.1 with Internet facing services?

The point is that the "malware" in question are things placed onto exploitable "closed" IoT old and unpatched versions of Linux hanging out there.

So, while true, if your password is 1234, etc.... and it's in control of your soda fountain and on your adhoc WiFi network at your restaurant... well, you get what you deserve.

The idea being that the world is too stupid to be security conscious. Maybe it is, but that would be a better title for articles such as this.

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