How to install latest Firefox, Chrome and Opera Browser on Ubuntu Linux

The article will guide you through the installation process of the latest versions of Mozila Firefox, Chromium and Opera. Throughout the article you will see the download links and the commands needed to perform the installation of the the browser.


Mozilla Firefox installation.


Lets begin with the installation of firefox, to download the latest version go ahead and visit Firefox Download Page for the download link. The latest version at the time this tutorial is written is Firefox 36. If there is a newer version available at the time that you read this guide, then use the newer version and replace the version number in the commands below wherever it occurs. Start the download:

cd /tmp

After download extract the archive:

tar jxf firefox-36.0.tar.bz2 -C $HOME

$HOME is your home direcctory.


After following the above create a backup of your own mozilla directory if you have one.

mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-backup

Or instead you an create a tar file using:

tar zcPF ~/mozilla-backup.tar.gz ~/.mozilla


Don't use any firefox instances at this moment quit all of it.


The above command will start Firefox Profile manager. Create a new profile name mozilla-build. Click next>done. This should exit the profile manager. Now just go ahead and run the following shell script in the terminal.

mkdir ~/bin
cat > ~/bin/firefox <<END

After the above paste this:


exec "\$HOME/firefox/firefox" -P mozilla-build "\$@"
chmod 755 ~/bin/firefox

The firefox command in your ~/bin directory will now run Firefox with the mozilla-build profile.

Restore the previous profile.


mv ~/.mozilla-your-directory-name ~/.mozilla

Or extract your tar file:

tar zxPF ~/mozilla-backup-xyz.tar.gz

This is the part for firefox. Below is the image of the fire fox browser.

Chromium Installation.

Now lets see Chromium Installation.

Add PPA in Ubuntu

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

This will give you your password prompt just enter your password and go through

The above command will download the install key from google linux repository.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'

The above command will add the key to the repository.


sudo apt-get update

This command will update repository.


sudo apt-get update

For stable version:

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable

For beta version:

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-beta

For unstable version:

sudo apt-get install google-chrome-unstable



Opera Installation.

You may install it by click Opera, or visit here. You may directly double click and start the installation. If you get any errors about dependencies type:

sudo apt-get -f install

32 bit plugins.

To get 32bit plugins working in the 64bit Opera.

sudo apt-get -ia32-libs

And some other packages like Adobe Reader and Flash plugin

sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture package.deb

Spell Check:

sudo apt-get install aspell aspell-en

Then you need a 32-bit version of the library libaspell. Get the libaspell package for i386 from Then extract it to some directory, such as ~/Desktop, with the following command:

dpkg -x libaspell*.deb ~/Desktop

Now copy the .so file to /usr/lib32 (you need the symlink too):

sudo cp ~/Desktop/usr/lib/libaspell* /usr/lib32/

Restart Opera and you will have a working spell checker...

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